Sunday 12 October 2008

Memories - better by photo or by video?

Hey, I got Nita’s video and it is great. I was crying laughing watching some parts. But actually, the ceremony itself was really moving. There are lots of clips of Nita and her new husband just doing that star-gazing thing that people very much in love do. She looked heavenly. Gorgeous dress, starry-eyed. Sniff. Jackie looked fabulous too. She should have her copy by now. Think I’ll ring her and see how she liked it. This one here isn’t Nita’s video but it shows what can be done- click on Asian wedding videos. I love the idea of this. Watching these got me thinking about the way we preserve our memories about things. I know that the day my parents’ reviewed their marriage vows comes back to me in bits and snatches of faces and odd paraphernalia. It was the last time we had a family celebration when everyone was fit and well, and, let’s face it, still alive. I wish I’d had the foresight to get out the video camera then. I’d give anything to see us all in action again. I started to hunt around on the net and found these sites. They’re well worth a look if you’re thinking of getting one professionally done. To see the kind of thing I mean click on Bloomsbury Films. Or try To read some interesting articles about wedding videos click on Bloomsbury Films blog or There’s something about video, of seeing everyone animated and full of energy and movement that just can’t be matched with photographs. And they can do it in all sorts of ways now: video, dvd, online downloads. That makes it much easier to share as well. A quick click and I’m watching in the UK while Jackie’s watching in Australia. How great is that?

Thursday 2 October 2008

Asian Wedding Videos - what a laugh

I went to a great Asian wedding last weekend, with my friend Jackie who was over from Australia especially for the event. An old work colleague of ours finally decided to take the plunge. Not before time either. She’s a good six years older than us and we’re hardly spring chickens. But wow! Such a colourful and vibrant event. I felt like we were back to being young girls, let loose on the streets of London: just us, a large amount of alcohol, and a long night ahead. She’s promised to send us a copy of the Asian wedding video, which should be fantastic. I had a bit of a laugh with the bloke who was filming it. For a minute I thought he was chatting me up, but then he told me he was just making the Asian Wedding Video, and would I like to be in it? So if you watch the video (I’ll try to upload it when I get it) you’ll see me at my shiny best. I may not be the star of the show, but I’m certainly a key player in what promises to be the most spectacular Asian wedding video of 2008!